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         Light Elves
         Medonian Humans
      Juive'len Elves
      Quel'anthasan Elves
      Sylvyn Elves
  • The bullmen of Telath.


    The minotaur are a species little known in the Aelyrian Empire, and even rumor and legend have had little to say of them. The origins of the race are also unknown to many.

    History and Origins​

    Even the minotaur know little or nothing of their true origins. The minotaurs believe that ages ago, the Aeternian pantheon created the minotaur species as a master-race, superior to all species, save the gods themselves. Most minotaur believe that they were even greater than the ancient aelyrians and surpassed all that any species past or present has to offer.

    Physical Appearance​

    Minatours have the head of a bull or cow, depending on sex and the body of humanoid, with fur covered legs and cloven hooves. Male minotaurs tend to stand between 7 and 9 feet tall, with horns between 1.5 – 3 feet, while female minotaur stand between 6 and 8 feet tall. The colors of their horns depend on the color of the minotaurs. A lighter colored minotaur, such as beige, white, and light grey tend to have horns that are white to beige, while a darker minotaur that is black, dark grey, and grey-blue have horns which are dark grey to black, although lighter colored horns are possible on a dark minotaur.

    Further reading: Minotaur Anatomy

    Culture and Society​

    The minotaur society is based on a strict caste system. At the lowest rung you have the slaves, sailors "rescued" by the minotaur when their ships sank, only to be forced into Slavery as soon as they were well. There are a few different races that make up the slave caste which include minotaur, Humans and Elves.

    Further reading: Minotaur Culture

    Notable Skills and Traits​

    Minotaurs are warriors, skilled at many forms of combat, though, like Dwarves, they are best suited with large weapons such as axes and hammers. The larger the weapon, in a minotaur’s eyes, the more pride he holds among his peers. Even without weapons, a minotaur is constantly armed and dangerous, and a minotaur that can fight well unarmed is looked upon with great respect. Their fists and hooves can hit hard enough to deal out plenty of pain even without training. Especially in males, minotaur horns are also potent weapons.

    The large muscular build of a minotaur makes them notably resistant to many physical attacks.

    Further Reading: Primer to Combat

    While the minotaur are technically capable of using arcana, they will have more difficulty in doing so than even saurids. Some of the few minotaur in history who wielded Magic were the early ones that used Necromancy.

    Further Reading: A Primer to Magic, A Primer to Arcana

    Minotaurs have no particular affinity to any trades.

    Further Reading: Primer to Trades

    Special Abilities, Weaknesses and Resistances
    Only Giants, out of contemporary races, compare to minotaurs in sheer strength. It is also good to note that a minotaur is color blind, but has very good vision in the dark


    Credit to Charles Smith with edits by Aegis Labyrinthine for the original write-up

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