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      Elven Windstepper
  • A large reptile originating from the Arakmatan Province. Gorjira are non-magical and not in any way related to dragons.


    Originating from the Arakmatan province, the gorjira are a species taken out of the ecological chain, domesticated bykatta as they proved to be utterly loyal when reared from birth. Throughout history the gorjira have evolved one step at a time through the means of select breeding. Over time gorjira have become semi-Domesticated Animals, herded in large packs by their owners. Their wild counterparts have become extinct over the ages through hunting and natural death. Early Katta records show gorjira being used as mounts first, as they were not offended by the Katta's appearance and smell in the way horses are.

    The biggest disadvantage to the gorjira is that they are cold-blooded Animals. Temperatures lower than those normally found in spring or summer make the gorjira slow and cumbersome. Once it gets close to freezing the gorjira become far less resistant to disease, and being exposed to frost is lethal for any gorjira.

    Physical Appearance

    The gorjira is about seven foot high and around 12 foot in length and weigh up to some six hundred pounds. gorjira never grow too old, dying of natural causes after 18 years, their bodies quickly deteriorating in the last 3 eras, warranting their death. Gorjira travel around on their long hind legs, which enable them to run faster than a Horse. However, gorjira can only maintain such speed for a limited time, after which they will be winded and in need of rest. A thick but stiff tail provides the gorjira with balance. On top of a long neck curving up into an 'S' shape sits a narrow head that holds a brain unusually large. Short grasping arms provide them with little grip and their skin usually varies between dark brown and green. The head usually has four to six nicely arranged horns sticking out the back of the head. Their strong jaws are lined with a double row of razor sharp teeth. Gorjira eat large quantities of meat, often fed birds by their owners, but they aren’t very picky in what kind of animal they devour.

    Climate and Terrain

    Gorjira live mainly on open plains with enough warmth and occasional trees, although they are known to live in deserts as well, where they tend to live off carcasses. They have also been found on theEunesian Isles, used instead of horses due to their ease in the heat.


    Gorjira are strictly meat eaters but will often prefer carcasses for food rather than wasting energy by running down fresh food.


    By rule the gorjira live in a matriarchal organization. The oldest female, who gets first choice in mating, usually leads a herd. Mating happens during the winter period, when the gorjira males are less aggressive due to the cold weather conditions.

    During this winter period, the gorjira build their nests and mate for a few cycles before fertile eggs are laid. A female gorjira usually lays in the region of three to six eggs, of which three to four will survive to infancy. When hatched the baby gorjira's scales are still soft and a pale Shade of green, which stay until adulthood.

    After the first few months the infant gorjira's scales will start to harden in a process that will take several years to complete. During the first few weeks after the infant gorjira are born, the herd is naturally aggressive to any outsider, and is very watchful of any possible threats to their new born. During this period it is only safe for the herder to appear to the herd, and even then it is very dangerous.


    Not only are gorjira loyal steeds, they are also very durable in combat. Their scales are as hard as thick leather, and a kick from their feet can send an adult men crashing into the ground. Their horns provide protection for the head and neck, while clawed feet can tear through flesh easily. Their length and the usually high rank of the person riding the gorjira makes them wanted targets for archers and spearmen, yet their speed protects them from most ranged attacks.

    Special Abilities

    As well as being exceptionally nimble (females can reach speeds of up to 40mph, males a little faster) gorjira are also excellent jumpers and climbers.


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