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      Arium Chameleon Cat
      Dolwood Feathertail
      Flower Weaver
      Great Panther
      Medonian Mimic
      Palm Kitten
      Primus Lion
      Sherian Swordtooth
      Aelyrian Hunter
      Aelyrian Royalblood
      Arium Highland Hound
      Arium Sled Dog
      Candaceburg Shepherd
      Imperian Pithound
      Riparian Warhound
      Carmelyn Warsteed
      Elven Windstepper
  • Man's faithful companion.


    Dogs are often upheld as man's best and loyal friend, good companions that may come to the defense of the people that they love and rely on. As well, canines are used the empire over as an additional work hand. They guard and herd flocks in the field and help hunters and trackers run down their prey. They are a versatile and intelligent creature, capable of receiving commands and adapting to their environment.

    Physical Appearance

    All canines vary in appearance: some have short muzzles and others have long muzzles, some have short and stocky bodies while others are tall and lean. All dogs have four legs with padded toes and just about all dogs have a tail, although the size and structure of it may vary from breed to breed. Coat colors and thickness will depend on the breed, ranging from white to black to red and short to long.

    Climate and Terrain

    Dogs survive well in all climates and terrains depending on their coats; long-haired dogs do best in cooler climates and fair poorly in hot regions, while dogs with shorter coats do best in hot climates and do poorly in cold regions.


    Dogs are omnivorous and will eat meats as well as vegetables and fruits, given the opportunity. They do best on a mixed diet and should not be fed a strictly meat diet.


    Dogs tend to prefer to live in packs but may also live solitary lives as well. The companionship of another dog is ideal for canines as they do better with another dog to exert energy with and find comfort in. Some dogs do not do well in the company of other canines, particularly those who have been trained to fight and kill other dogs or Animals.


    Dogs will always resort to the use of their teeth in a fight, although they will use their bodies to slam and maneuver their enemy as well.

    Special Abilities

    Dogs do not have any special abilities of note.


    Dogs do not have special resistances and weaknesses, although dogs bred for specific climate or terrain conditions may fair better than others under certain circumstances. Similarly, dogs who have been bred for cold climates may not do well in hot climates and vice versa.

    Other Notable Information

    There are any number of different types of dog breeds found through the empire. Some of note are the Imperian Pithound, Candaceburg Shepherd, Arium Sled Dog, Aelyrian Hunter, Aelyrian Royalblood, Riparian Warhound and Arium Highland Hound.


    Credit goes to Nimh

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