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Ongoing Vote for the Summer Adventure!

This thread is closed for new players but is being used for OOC communication among thread participants


Master of Games
Staff member
Hi, everyone!

Happy Summer :)

Please help choose the theme of this summer's adventure (open for all PCs, regardless of level)

@Pescado Branch , @Valanthia L'Evienne , @Barthelme aka Team Air,

What are your characters pursuing these days? Any motivations in terms of your character's journey thus far?

Here's what I know:
  • Pescado is rebuilding his 'mound' / clan
  • Barthelme is rebuilding the Nightmare's base
  • Valanthia is rebuilding her own political and social credit
@Tal K'Pazhawrl aka Team Water,

What is Tal working on these days? His winery? His journey as a Sage?
Oh, Barthelme's always about serving Risthal, of course. Aside from building up his own Twisted cult, his goals are:

  • Get Despoina that physical body she wants so that he can make her a Twisted and so, like, she'll maybe stop killing him with brain cancer and stuff.
  • Find out the truth of what happened to the large number of Twisted who once served Nakashka and her Handmaidens.
  • Find out the truth of the Eye of Hegurr which he bought at the Bazaar, and which was supposed to guarantee Risthal "eventual" victory in the Dreamscape.
  • Finish learning about the existence of the Old Gods.
  • Relatedly, kill non-Twisted Dreamwalkers.
Basically Barthelme wants answers, Risthal's favor, and for his beliefs to be validated by Risthal and the Twisted dominating the Dreamscape. In no particular order. So, yeah, any of those things would be a hook to get him to once again leave Arkdün.
There's no option for ramen so I can't vote.

Can I switch my vote to become part of Team Ramen? I am hungry.

Tal's current Tal-ness:
  • Building up his winery, eventually getting it to Gold Tier so he can start leveraging it for Good Works(TM).
  • Connected to this: Build up his Alchemy
  • Build up his Sage skills... somehow (this is one of my favorite skills, but it is hard to figure out how to develop it)
  • Become a Champion for Aedaan
  • Find a wife/mate, or something (Tal needs somebody to love)
I just had some ramen and I changed my vote as well.

Next person to vote will determine the fate of this universe / thread.
Thread is up! All are welcome (for now)

