Vireylda Saharn
Just wants to raise a family
The logistics of how this tower was bigger on the inside, than the miniscule proportions outwardly, would have to wait for another day. Namely, one where she wasn't trying to kill it's master.
Clunk clunk! Well, she lost the element of stealth when the Banshee's wail ripped through the tower. Probably fine.
She snapped her eyes to the Ghouls. Specifically, the ones that descended the stairwell "You there!" Vireylda hissed, making for the creatures. "I would speak to you!" If required she would follow them down too!
Clunk clunk! Well, she lost the element of stealth when the Banshee's wail ripped through the tower. Probably fine.
She snapped her eyes to the Ghouls. Specifically, the ones that descended the stairwell "You there!" Vireylda hissed, making for the creatures. "I would speak to you!" If required she would follow them down too!