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Telath Quotes

no, he "run run run"ing. semantics pls.
The priest yelled at them and Rosie shot him a bright smile as she sauntered forward. William tried to help Davon get a handle on his gear and whispered to the kid, ”Just go along with whatever she says.”

”Disturb the peace? Mon dieu, us?” she shook her head and tutted. ”We’re just three weary souls searching for a better way. We saw the candlelights through the window and hoped to sit in on the service. Get ourselves right with our god…” she held onto the last word, gauging the priest’s reaction and ready to finish with a ”--dess” if need be.

Literally made me LOL.
That priest is one of them, isn’t he? I saw the way he was looking at you while he was grabbing his penis.” He shook his head in abject disgust at the memory in Candaceburg.

Wretched humans. They were all the same.

Again she glanced at their entangled hands. “You are the only one I’ve ever loved, ever wanted, ever meant anything at all to me. You needn’t worry about anyone or anything, particularly not a priest’s penis.” Then suddenly her expression grew ever so slightly sly as she added quickly, “Besides, his tail was quite a bit larger.

I just came back from vacation and am confused. Just saying >: (
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