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Closed [Draft 2] Merfolk

This article or discussion either requires no further feedback or has been moved to another thread.
Stuff that's changed since Draft 1:

  • Stuff about Oceanis and politics are moved to the Oceanis draft thread so this one is strictly about the species
  • Proposal for webbed fingers, silky dorsal fins, throat gills instead of chest gills, and echolocation
  • Emissaries of Salt are now a political structure and not a subspecies
  • Changed "landwalker" to "surfacer" to avoid Star Wars triggers
  • Added more religion etc. including a mention of Adjuration
  • History and Origins is now all about the origin of the species not their politics
  • Their tail-legs shift is now a result of their ancestors' efforts and not divine intervention
  • Hopefully improved clarity


Merfolk are one of the oldest peoples of Telath: stories passed through generations claim that Mer swam the oceans long before any other people walked the surface. Mer are collectively curious yet reserved; they are natural explorers and quiet observers.

History and Origins​

The earliest Mer explored the oceans while Telath was still wild and new, long before the time of elves or humans. Stories passed down from the earliest Merfolk tell of gods and volcanoes, boiling waters and mammoth creatures that could swallow mountains whole. Nomadic Mer traversed the deep oceans and the rocky coasts, making friends with whales and dragons, looking for sacred places where the veil between worlds was thinnest, leaving behind them a trail of stone-carved markers that the spirits might follow.

The stories imply that the original, singular tribe of Mer divided into five parties which explored every facet of every body of water on Telath. Using Mysticism and an ancient form of Adjuration, they communicated across great distances with the spirits and with each other-- apart but always together --until, hundreds of eras later, they reunited again in what is now known as the Sea of Diana. There they encouraged the coral to grow into their new home of Qual'Orillia, where the eldest wise woman (a mystic seer who had chosen the placing of each spirit-marker and the location of Qual'Orillia) was elevated as their chief.

The lure of exploration meant the Merfolk were never content in one place: they craved new experiences and undiscovered depths, but they had already found every secret the water had to offer. The surface, however, was still unknown.

Mer began the daring practice of pulling themselves up onto beaches during high tide, hoping for a glimpse of trees and flowers and strange land-dwelling creatures before impending suffocation forced them back into the waves. Four of the explorer parties embarked once again, each with a mission to see as much of the surface as they could, while the fifth remained in Qual'Orillia where the elderly Seer resided.

The Merfolk claim that through dedication and determination-- and a combination of Elementalism, Mysticism, Druidism, and communion with spirits and alternate planes of existence --their ancestors slowly and deliberately developed the ability to breathe air and to walk on land. Just as the first Mer stood up on a northern beach and took a breath of night air, the Seer passed away and the mystic connection among the five parties was broken. They never reunited, but each of the tribal explorers established themselves permanently along the coasts they had begun to explore. Their settlements became Kk'trabar in the north, Briane's Deep in the south, Benthoes in the west, and Aquapolis in the east, with Qual'Orillia at their heart.


Child: 0-16 eras
Adolescent: 16-25 eras
Early Adult: 25-60 eras
Middle Aged: 60-130 eras
Elderly: 130-175 eras

Physical Appearance​

Mer have pointed ears, gills at each side of their throat, and expressive faces. A double dorsal fin begins between the Mer's eyes, mohawks over their scaly skull, and ripples down their spine: these dorsal fins may be thick and pliant or flowing and fragile, depending upon the Mer's heritage. Their skin may sometimes bear marks or patterns, but is always patched with pearlescent scales shaded with colors varied from green to violet to fiery red. These pearly scales are clustered like birthmarks on the Mer's face, arms and torso.

Mer hands are webbed between the fingers. Many Mer have sharp or jagged teeth-- or have a natural slit in their tongue --depending upon their heritage.

Below the waist, the Mer's powerful tailfin glitters with the shifting colors of their scales. On land, their shapeshifted legs are crusted in scales.


Northern Mer
Northern Mer are culturally expected to blend in and survive the wilderness: their scales reflect subdued green, blue, brown, and muddy purple hues that blend with their cold surroundings. Their survival depends on the hunt, on their patient understanding of the ocean and nature, and on the hardy scavenged plantlife that grows in dim light. Northern Mer are historically exceptional Monster Hunters, Herbalists, and Rangers. Contrary to their name, Northern Mer are common in both the northern and southern hemispheres, where the water is darker and cooler.

Tropical Mer
Tropical Mer are the most social of the cultures: their survival depends upon working together. They are culturally expected to show off their colors and warn away predators: their scales commonly feature bright red, yellow, and orange hues that reflect the brighter sunlight of Telath's equator. While the warm waters provide a bounty of food, it is also a harbor for predators and poisons; Tropical Mer are taught from a young age to be as vibrant and loud as possible to keep from being eaten, to never touch anything unfamiliar, and to help defend their home from strangers. Tropical Mer are historically exceptional Performers, Mercenaries, and Alchemists.

Deep Mer
A few sects of ancient Mer chose to disengage with the upper world. They rejected the surface and retreated into the crushing black depths where their descendants live in lightless quiet. The Deep Mer have lost all pigment in their pale scales and skin, and what remains of their eyes is gray and sightless. Their teeth are sharp splinters of bone. Long feelers protrude like needles from their spine, sometimes tipped with bright bioluminescence. Dim, organic light haunts their misshapen skulls and fingers. Their extraordinary sense of hearing, sensitivity to movement in the water, and command of echolocation ensure that despite their lack of sight they are nearly impossible to catch by surprise. They are avoidant and watchful, and are popularly believed to keep the world's most precious and volatile secrets.


At heart, Mer are quiet and curious explorers with a taste for danger and adventure. A Mer will be the first to take a dare, explore the dark cave, or venture into unknown waters.

Mer have a scientific and respectful relationship with nature: they admire it by pulling it apart and putting it back together to understand how it works, then they encourage it to its fullest potential. Their proficiency with Elementalism and Mysticism stems from an inherent talent for manipulating the world around them for mutual benefit. Their underwater cities, called aquapoli, are crafted from stone and coral using techniques that both create comfortable dwelling spaces and enrich the natural ecosystem.

Women are held in highest regard among the Merfolk, who believe women are closer to the spirits and are more in frequency with ancient and collective knowledge. Men are considered the protectors and caretakers of children, while children themselves are believed to be able to interact with spirits until they come of age to speak.

Mer children hatch from eggs: a mother will first lay her eggs, which the father will then fertilize and protect as their primary caretaker. A typical clutch will contain two to four siblings, though there have been rare cases of twelve or more. The entire village or city takes collective responsibility for all children, who are encouraged to play and roam freely as if all Mer were their extended and trusted family.

Although Mer have been known to lay offerings to the occasional god, this is done more out of acknowledgment and respect than of devotion. Spirits and ancestors hold the highest place in Mer religion. Mer believe strongly in the oneness of everything: the idea that all of nature and the universe-- even the gods --are a part of the same living cosmic entity, just as all of the oceanic world is a part of the sea. Nothing truly dies but is incorporated back into the ocean. So, too, do the spirits of the dead live on in the coral and sunlight.

Mer are legendary storytellers. Their culture thrives on myths and mysteries, which are rarely written down but are traditionally passed through generations by word of mouth. The oldest, most treasured stories are always shifting and growing as details change with each retelling: they're as organic and alive as the descendants who interpret them. Some of the best known legends among the Mer are The Five Hands of the Seer, Illum and the First Footprint, The God-Eater's Tomb, and The Dragon Ghost.

Mer collectively believe that one can never truly own anything-- not an object nor a territory --but that everything exists for everyone's benefit, and sharing and generosity is a natural right and expectation. Mer who grow up in aquapoli simply take or borrow what they need when they need it, and they contribute the same to others. This often leads to confusion and outrage when Mer take what "belongs" to surfacers after the surfacers had taken fish or resources from the sea.

Conflict with surfacers often arises out of misunderstanding and misidentification. Sirens, which have an appearance very similar to Mer, are notorious for luring ships into sharp rocks and for playing deadly tricks on sailors. Mer often bear misdirected blame for the Sirens' actions, and thus they hold a long-standing grudge against the Siren.


Other peoples tend to view Merfolk as primitive, secretive, selfish, and hateful toward other civilized societies. Surfacers will cite their reclusive cities and dangerous barriers as evidence that Mer actively hate other peoples and will destroy ships at every opportunity: a sentiment that is amplified by the rampant misidentification of Sirens and Merfolk as the same people. There is widespread resentment toward Mer for their lack of trade, cooperation, or integration with other societies, resulting in a common belief that Merfolk are hiding something or are secretly plotting against other peoples. Campfires may host horror stories about the Mer causing the ocean to rise up and swallow the land, to return Telath to the way it was before the other peoples appeared and forced Mer to share the world.


The Mer language, called Nuolu, is spoken using a dedicated series of membranes in the throat. The language consists of a combination of clicks, squeals, trills and long vowels-- similar to the sounds of dolphins and whales --accompanied by movements and gestures. Nuolu may be spoken underwater, where the produced sound is low and calm; or in the open air, where the words are naturally piercing and quick. Because of Nuolu's abrasive sound above water, most Mer learn Common at a young age and choose to speak above water using separate vocal cords. Written Nuolu is made up of dots, lines, and simple glyphs that are easily carved in sand or stone. Nuolu is one of the oldest languages on Telath.


Oceanis is the collective name given to the alliance of Mer city-states, all of which have pledged to honor the wisdom and spiritual guidance of the Seer who resides in the eastern city-state of Aquapolis.

The Emissaries of Salt
The Emissaries of Salt are a nation of Mer in The Nightlands. It is unclear whether the title refers to the actual emissaries and Salt is the nation, whether it refers to a faction within the nation, or the nation itself. They keep their dealings with the other powers of The Nightlands to a minimum and only rarely deal with them. Despite this they have a great deal of power in The Nightlands as they control many of the major sources of fresh water.

Notable Skills and Traits​

Echolocation: While underwater, Merfolk can emit clicking sounds and listen for shifts in the reverberated noise to decipher obstacles that may exist ahead in the dark. Mer are naturally able to recognize when something big is in their way, but with practice an advanced user could find small objects using nothing but sound.

Membrane Eyelids: A Mer has a single translucent eyelid that blinks across each eye. These thin barriers allow the Mer to see where they're going while protecting their eyes from floating debris.

Dim Vision: A Mer's expanded pupils allow them to see in deep water where there is little sunlight, but also assist navigation in dark places on land. Mer eyes are sensitive to light, but fortunately they have translucent eyelids to help diffuse painful brightness.

Shapeshifting Tail: Should the Mer decide to step out onto land, their tail will seamlessly shapeshift to a pair of scaly legs. The process is as natural to a Mer as expelling water from their lungs and taking a breath of air: they only have to decide to walk, and the transformation begins. Returning to the water-- and to their tail --is a quicker, subconscious change that takes place the instant the Mer is submerged.

Gills: On land, the Mer's gills stick flush to their throat and seal in moisture. The Mer's continued ability to breathe out of water depends upon hydration of their gills, which will begin to dry out after half a day of no water. After two days without access to water, a Mer will suffocate.

Credit goes to Zytron Iriborn for the original concept
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Mer children hatch from eggs. A typical clutch will contain two to four siblings, though there have been rare cases of twelve or more. The entire village or city takes collective responsibility for all children, who are encouraged to play and roam freely as if all Mer were their extended and trusted family.
Just for clarification here, is the sort of female lays a bunch of eggs and then a male comes along and hoses them down kind of eggs? Or more of a shark egg situation? There are some interesting societal differences to be had in the difference between these two approaches I feel.

A few sects of ancient Mer chose to disengage with the upper world, rejected the surface, and retreated into the crushing black depths where their descendants live in lightless quiet. The Deep Mer have lost all pigment in their pale scales and skin, and what remains of their eyes is gray and sightless. Their teeth are sharp splinters of bone and long feelers protrude like needles from their spine. They are avoidant and watchful, and are popularly believed to keep the world's most precious and volatile secrets.

Also, something something bioluminescence! Glowy bits! :D

Further Reading: The Emissaries of Salt

You also don't need these unless they reference an article not specifically named in the text, because the wiki autolinks stuff. So it'll pick up the Emissaries of Salt, but it'll only link it three times, so further reading should be left to articles that aren't specifically named in the text (like for instance Culture of the Emissaries of Salt or something).
Just for clarification here, is the sort of female lays a bunch of eggs and then a male comes along and hoses them down kind of eggs? Or more of a shark egg situation? There are some interesting societal differences to be had in the difference between these two approaches I feel.

Oh good point. The former, I think, reflects a little better the respected status of women and the protector/childraiser status of men. Eggs that develop on the ocean floor need dad to stand patrol.

Also, something something bioluminescence! Glowy bits! :D

omggggggg I am HERE for bioluminescence!! All the creepy glowy shinies.

You also don't need these unless they reference an article not specifically named in the text, because the wiki autolinks stuff.

Ahhh ha true ok! I guess I was also trying to indicate that the blurb above it is an excerpt from a longer article, but yea it makes sense we don't need so many links!
I edited this a tiny bit for word flow, took out some repeated information, and put in credit to Zytron for all the great original articles!

Speaking of those original articles, this writeup contradicts all of them in some significant aspects. I guess I'm proposing to (lovingly) archive all three, or else we can work on updating them separately if they're required?
I am tagging @Meridian La’manie , my partner in Mer crimes, just to be absolutely sure we've got everything!

Is Zytron on the site at all? Another brain I'd like to mine. 🤔
they reunited again in what is now known as the Sea of Diana
Is it still known as the Sea of Diana even after Diana has been purged from the official names of everything else?

“I’m a tropical Mer!” She interrupted him with a webbed finger pointed up to the sky. “My mama is a Siren and my papa’s an Esh’lahier.”

I think this is just Meridian's (PC) belief, but it might be worth verifying if Meridian (Writer) wants the Mer to be elf-siren hybrids.
Love the write up, love the changes. I think a rough parallel in more traditional/surfacer terms, would be Northern Mer are like barbarians, Tropical Mer are like Elves, and Deep Mer are like Lost/Isolated Tribes. That's how I see it, in terms of how they developed, what they have evolved into over time. Products of their physical and cultural environments over the eons.
Is it still known as the Sea of Diana even after Diana has been purged from the official names of everything else?

I think this is just Meridian's (PC) belief, but it might be worth verifying if Meridian (Writer) wants the Mer to be elf-siren hybrids.

This was just a quirky little thing I did with her. She’s a half-Mer with her mother acting as a siren (luring men to their deaths and all) without being the actual creature itself. Her mother is truly a Mer.
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